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SciEcon has 6 Signature Programs in light of east and west philosophy including SciEcon Sustainability, Supertalent, Insight, Creation, Resources, and Lab Incubator Program. We create at the intersection of academic disciplines and industry practices. We develop scientific methodology to solve the problem of economics. We host intellectual conversation that inspires both profound insights and practical impacts. We gather global scholars to partake in the dear delight of east and west philosophy. The master said, “Virtue is not left to stand alone. He who practices it will have neighbors.” We are in this, all together!

―Inaugural Programs Address by Prof. Luyao Zhang

SciEcon Insights


In light of eastern and western literature

The renaissance of the four great classic Chinese novels and Shakespeare’s Four Tragedies

Program Sites:

Current Executive Chair: Xinyu Tian

Inaugural Program Co-Chair: Xinyu Tian

Inaugural Program Chair: Prof. Luyao Zhang

SciEcon Insights aims to spread frontier knowledge and findings, promote conversations between cultures and disciplines, and nurture talented scholars with various platforms and art forms. It includes SciEcon AMA, SciEcon Research, and SciEcon Innovate which archive excellent articles from SciEcon lab members and records of events.

SciEcon Insights: AMA


In light of eastern and western philosophy

The renaissance of Plato’s Republic and Confucius Analects


Current Executive Chair: Haoyang Yu

Inaugural Co-Chair: Jiasheng (Ray) Zhu

Inaugural Chair: Prof. Luyao Zhang

SciEcon AMA is a series of intellectual conversations among pioneering scholars, innovators, and global leaders. We together are contributing to the great purpose of building a vibrant community of diversity and inclusion that advances human civilization

Event Series: Interviews, Seminars, Panelists, Symposiums, Conferences, Big Talks, Roundtables, Debate, etc.

SciEcon Insights: Research


In light of eastern and western science

The renaissance of Aristotle and Mencius


Current Executive Co-Chairs: Zichao Chen

Inaugural Co-Chair: Ziliang Tian

Inaugural Chair: Prof. Luyao Zhang

SciEcon Research is an accelerator program for young scholars to conduct exploratory research and identify important open questions for cutting-edge interdisciplinary research of both profound insights and practical impacts.

Event Series (To be launched): Tutorials and Workshops for Research Resources.

SciEcon Insights: Innovate


In light of eastern and western innovation

The renaissance of The Four Great Inventions and Industrial Revolution


Current Executive Chair: Yufan Zhang

Inaugural Co-Chair: Zesen Zhuang

Inaugural Chairs: Prof. Yulin Liu and Prof. Luyao Zhang

SciEcon Innovate explores the most cutting-edge technologies and their applications in both industry and academia, with a focus on finding the most efficient pipeline for converting academic results. SciEcon Innovation will equip members with capabilities in both academia and industry to become cross-border technical talents.

Event Series (To be launched): tutorials and workshops for innovative technologies, developer program incubator, hackthon incubator

SciEcon Sustainability


In light of eastern and western intelligence

The renaissance of Lao Tzu and Adam Smith

Current Executive Chair: Zesen Zhuang and Xinyu Tian

Inaugural Program Co-Chair: Zesen Zhuang and Xinyu Tian

Inaugural Program Chair: Prof. Luyao Zhang

SciEcon Sustainability is shaping a sustainable world through our endeavor in research, innovation, and leadership. SciEcon is dedicated to enlightening talents with educational resources, such as interviews, orientations, and symposiums, etc., and conducting research that encompasses topics at the frontier of sustainability from ESG investing to blockchain governance.

Event Series (To be launched): tutorial, workshop, and research program to bring up the awareness of sustainability and social impacts

SciEcon Supertalent


In light of eastern and western education

The renaissance of Confucius and Socrates

Current Executive Chair: Tianyu Wu, Zichao Chen and Ray Zhu

Inaugural Program Co-Chair: Tianyu Wu, Zichao Chen and Ray Zhu

Inaugural Program Chairs: Prof. Yulin Liu, and Prof. Luyao Zhang

SciEcon Supertalent is devoted to nurturing candidates to stand out in research, innovation and leadership by participating in academic research or industry projects. After successful completion, candidates will achieve certificate and certified letters to be displayed in their C.V. or social media account.

Event Series (To be launched): Internship on academic and industry collaborating projects

SciEcon Creation


In light of eastern and western talent

The renaissance of Da Vinci and Lupin

Current Executive Chairs: Zesen Zhuang and Yufan Zhang

Inaugural Program Co-Chair: Zesen Zhuang and Yufan Zhang

Inaugural Program Chairs: Prof. Yulin Liu, and Prof. Luyao Zhang

SciEcon Creation's mission is to bridge the divide between science, technology, art, and design, and to champion interdisciplinary endeavors that foster creativity. We are passionate about maximizing the potential of emerging technologies and developing transformative and assistive innovations that could bring joy to the world.

Event Series (To be launched): SciEcon Design, NFT collections of AI generated Art

SciEcon Resources


In light of eastern and western eloquence

The renaissance of Mo Tzu and Demosthenes

Current Executing Chairs: Yufan Zhang and Zichao Chen

Inaugural Program Co-Chairs: Yufan Zhang and Zichao Chen

Inaugural Program Chair: Prof. Luyao Zhang

SciEcon provides comprehensive resources to support research, innovation, and leadership, including literature, data, and institution. Literature includes insightful research articles; Data provides useful data sources for research; Institution includes academic and industry organizations that share our vision.

SciEcon Lab Incubator Program


In light of eastern and western philosophy

The renaissance of Plato’s Symposium (Sympósion) and Wang Xizhi’s (王羲之) Orchid Pavilion Preface (蘭亭序).

Current Executive Chairs: Zichao Chen and Yufan Zhang

Inaugural Program Co-Chairs: Zichao Chen and Yufan Zhang

Inaugural Program Chair: Prof. Luyao Zhang

SciEcon Lab Incubator Program is a philanthropy event that aims at cultivating research, innovation, and leadership among young scholars by incubating exploratory studies and symposiums on cutting-edge topics. Young scholars can join the program by proposing a research abstract in scopes and even applying for leadership positions. Research affiliates aim to publish insightful articles that identify research directions. In addition, Lab leaders shall contribute significantly to pushing the milestones, hosting the symposium, and publishing documentaries. We invite pioneers on the chosen cutting-edge topic as symposium panelists who resembles distinguished scholarship in all three aspects of research, innovation, and leadership. We expect to facilitate a conversation between young scholars and advanced panelists for future collaborations that benefit generations to come.

Event Series:

  • Spring 2022, SciEcon Blockchain + Symposium
  • Autumn 2021, SciEcon NFT Symposium

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