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About Us

Inaugural E-Board

Motto in light of eastern and western philosophy

Aristotle and Plato: form or matter?


Prof. Luyao Zhang
Prof. Yulin Liu
Ray Zhu
Xinyu Tian
Tianyu Wu
Yixuan Li
Ziliang Tian
Zesen Zhuang
Zichao Chen
Yufan Zhang


SciEcon Operation

Founders and Supervisors

Name: Luyao Zhang | 张露瑶

Title: Founding President


Personal Website:



Motto in light of eastern and western philosophy

Dao dejing:The Dao produced One; One produced Two; Two produced Three; Three produced All things.

道德經: 道生一,一生二,二生三,三生萬物。

Spinoza: Passion without reason is blind; Reason without passion is dead.

斯宾诺莎: 天人合一,道法自然

Name: Yulin Liu | 刘玉林

Title: Founding President



Personal Website:

Motto in light of eastern and western philosophy

“上善若水,水利万物而不争” —《道德经》

The noblest virtue is like water, which nourishes all things without contending with them.

“日往则月来,月往则日来,日月相推而明生焉” —《易·系辞》

The sun rises while the moon sets. The moon rises while the sun sets. Brightness derives from day’s and night’s deduction.

Inaugural E-Board

Name: Ray Zhu | 朱家昇

Title: Interim Chair of Incubation and Investment Research


Motto in light of eastern and western philosophy

Mencius: A just cause attracts much support, an unjust one finds little.


Name: Xinyu Tian | 田馨宇

Title: Interim Chair of Communication


Motto in light of eastern and western philosophy


Read more, travel more.

Name: Tianyu Wu | 吴天语

Title: Interim Chair of Human Resources


Motto in light of eastern and western philosophy


English: To learn extensively, to inquire accurately, to reflect carefully, to distinguish clearly, and to manifest earnestly.

Deutsch: Lernen Sie es, hinterfragen Sie es, denken Sie sorgfältig darüber nach, unterscheiden Sie es klar und üben Sie es ernsthaft.

Name: Zesen Zhuang | 庄泽森

Title: Interim Chair of Technology Development


Personal Website: in"

Motto in light of eastern and western philosophy

Preserve your dignity as a nobody; promote the social wellfare as a somebody.


Name: Zichao Chen | 陈子超

Title: Interim Chair of Research Incubator


Motto in light of eastern and western philosophy

Aristotle: The ultimate value of life depends upon awareness and the power of contemplation rather than upon mere survival.


Name: Yufan Zhang | 张宇凡

Title: Interim Chair of Creativity and Innovation


Motto in light of eastern and western philosophy

The running water does not rot, and the pivot of the house does not stink.


Honour E-Boards

Name: Yixuan Li | 黎以萱

Title: Honour Chair of Creativity


Motto in light of eastern and western philosophy

Live life. Learn lessons. Liberate yourself.


Name: Ziliang (Lewis) Tian

Title: Honour Chair of Sustainability and Social Impact


Motto in light of eastern and western philosophy

Seeking the best version of self


SciEcon Program


SciEcon Affiliates

Name: Xinyu Tian | 田馨宇

Title: Research Affiliate; Innovation Affiliate; Philanthropist Affiliate


A Glance into the Metaverse, SciEcon-Insights-Research

Authors: Xinyu Tian, Zesen Zhuang, Design: Austen Li, Executive Editor: Xinyu Tian, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Algorithmic Trading in Crypto Market, SciEcon-Insights-Research

Authors: Xinyu Tian, Tianyu Wu, Design: Austen Li, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


The Future of Consensus: Algorithm on Blockchain, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Prof. Olivier Marin, Interviewer: Ray Zhu, Executive Editors: Zichao Chen, Xinyu Tian, ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Lunji Zhu, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


A Conversation on Cryptography, Trust Machine, and Cyber Planet Construction, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Prof. Kevin Mo, Interviewers: Tianyu Wu, Xinyu Tian, Prof. Luyao Zhang, Executive Editors: Tianyu Wu, Xinyu Tian, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


A Glance into Liquity, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Dr. Robert Lauko, Interviewers: Xinyu Tian, William Zhao, Executive Editors: William Zhao, Xinyu Tian, Chief Editors: Prof. Luyao Zhang and Prof. Yulin Liu


On the Mechanics of Blockchain Security, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Prof. Fan Zhang, Interviewers: Prof. Luyao Zhang, Xinyu Tian, Zesen Zhuang, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Tokeneconomics: When Macro and Micro Economics Unite in Finance, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Prof. Ye Li, Interviewers: Xinyu Tian, Zesen Zhuang, Executive Editors: Xinyu Tian, Zesen Zhuang, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


WaterPark: A Decentralized Borrowing Protocol for the Internet Computer, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewees: Rhys Banerjee, Oum Lahade, Interviewers: Xinyu Tian, Zesen Zhuang, Associate Editor: Lunji Zhu, Executive Editors: Xinyu Tian, Zesen Zhuang, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


ICy: A Decentralized Lending Protocol on the Internet Computer, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewees: Dylan Paul, Malika Rawal, Interviewers: Xinyu Tian, Zesen Zhuang, Associate Editor: Zichao Chen, Executive Editors: Xinyu Tian, Zesen Zhuang, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Towards Decentralized Protocols: Call for Collaborations, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Derrick Adam, Interviewers: Xinyu Tian, Zesen Zhuang, Associate Editor: Zichao Chen, Executive Editors: Xinyu Tian, Zesen Zhuang, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Insights on consensus in the presence of synchrony, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Prof. Kartik Nayak, Interviewers: Xinyu Tian, William Zhao, Executive Editors: Zichao Chen, Xinyu Tian, ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Lunji Zhu, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


On Ethereum: Yin and Yang, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Executive Editor: Xinyu Tian, Scenarist: Prof. Luyao Zhang, Design: Yixuan Li, Chief Editors: Prof. Luyao Zhang, Prof. Yulin Liu


Name: Zesen Zhuang | 庄泽森

Title: Research Affiliate; Innovation Affiliate; Philanthropist Affiliate


Personal Website:

A Glance into the Metaverse, SciEcon-Insights-Research

Authors: Xinyu Tian, Zesen Zhuang, Design: Austen Li, Executive Editor: Xinyu Tian, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Decipher Developer Grants, SciEcon-Insights-Innovate

Author: Zesen Zhuang, Executive Editor: Xinyu Tian, Supervisor and Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


WaterPark: A Decentralized Borrowing Protocol for the Internet Computer, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewees: Rhys Banerjee, Oum Lahade, Interviewers: Xinyu Tian, Zesen Zhuang, Associate Editor: Lunji Zhu, Executive Editors: Xinyu Tian, Zesen Zhuang, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


ICy: A Decentralized Lending Protocol on the Internet Computer, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewees: Dylan Paul, Malika Rawal, Interviewers: Xinyu Tian, Zesen Zhuang, Associate Editor: Zichao Chen, Executive Editors: Xinyu Tian, Zesen Zhuang, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Towards Decentralized Protocols: Call for Collaborations, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Derrick Adam, Interviewers: Xinyu Tian, Zesen Zhuang, Associate Editor: Zichao Chen, Executive Editors: Xinyu Tian, Zesen Zhuang, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Tokeneconomics: When Macro and Micro Economics Unite in Finance, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Prof. Ye Li, Interviewers: Xinyu Tian, Zesen Zhuang, Executive Editors: Xinyu Tian, Zesen Zhuang, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


On the Mechanics of Blockchain Security, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Prof. Fan Zhang, Interviewers: Prof. Luyao Zhang, Xinyu Tian, Zesen Zhuang, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Name: Tianyu Wu | 吴天语

Title: Research Affiliate; Philanthropist Affiliate


How Blockchain Empowers Social Media: on the mechanics of token economy and decentralization? [Part 1 Business Briefings], SciEcon-Insights-Research

Authors: Ray Zhu, Tianyu Wu, Design: Austen Li, Assistant Editor: Xinyu Tian, Associate Editor: Tianyu Wu; Executive Editor: Ray Zhu, Chief Editors: Prof. Luyao Zhang, Prof. Yulin Liu


How Blockchain Empowers Social Media: on the mechanics of token economy and decentralization? [Part 2 The Business Model Analysis], SciEcon-Insights-Research

Authors: Ray Zhu, Tianyu Wu, Design: Austen Li, Assistant Editor: Zichao Chen, Associate Editor: Xinyu Tian; Executive Editor: Lunji Zhu, Chief Editors: Prof. Luyao Zhang, Prof. Yulin Liu


How Blockchain Empowers Social Media: on the mechanics of token economy and decentralization? [Part 3 The Token Economy], SciEcon-Insights-Research

Authors: Ray Zhu, Tianyu Wu, Design: Austen Li, Assistant Editor: Zichao Chen, Associate Editor: Xinyu Tian; Executive Editor: Lunji Zhu, Chief Editors: Prof. Luyao Zhang, Prof. Yulin Liu


Algorithmic Trading in Crypto Market, SciEcon-Insights-Research

Authors: Xinyu Tian, Tianyu Wu, Design: Austen Li, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Explore the sea of NFT, SciEcon-Insights-Research

Authors: Tianyu Wu, Jiarui Zhang, Design: Austen Li, Executive Editors: Xinyu Tian, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


A Conversation on Cryptography, Trust Machine, and Cyber Planet Construction, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Prof. Kevin Mo, Interviewers: Tianyu Wu, Xinyu Tian, Prof. Luyao Zhang, Executive Editors: Tianyu Wu, Xinyu Tian, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


How to Realize Options Trading in Decentralized Finance, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Dr. Diana Gamborino, Interviewer: Tianyu Wu, Associate Editor: Zichao Chen, Executive Editors: Tianyu Wu, Xinyu Tian, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Name: Ray Zhu | 朱家昇

Title: Research Affiliate; Philanthropist Affiliate


How Blockchain Empowers Social Media: on the mechanics of token economy and decentralization? [Part 1 Business Briefings], SciEcon-Insights-Research

Authors: Ray Zhu, Tianyu Wu, Design: Austen Li, Assistant Editor: Xinyu Tian, Associate Editor: Tianyu Wu; Executive Editor: Ray Zhu, Chief Editors: Prof. Luyao Zhang, Prof. Yulin Liu


How Blockchain Empowers Social Media: on the mechanics of token economy and decentralization? [Part 2 The Business Model Analysis], SciEcon-Insights-Research

Authors: Ray Zhu, Tianyu Wu, Design: Austen Li, Assistant Editor: Zichao Chen, Associate Editor: Xinyu Tian; Executive Editor: Lunji Zhu, Chief Editors: Prof. Luyao Zhang, Prof. Yulin Liu


How Blockchain Empowers Social Media: on the mechanics of token economy and decentralization? [Part 3 The Token Economy], SciEcon-Insights-Research

Authors: Ray Zhu, Tianyu Wu, Design: Austen Li, Assistant Editor: Zichao Chen, Associate Editor: Xinyu Tian; Executive Editor: Lunji Zhu, Chief Editors: Prof. Luyao Zhang, Prof. Yulin Liu


DeFi: Reinventing Finance and Expanding the Possibilities, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Prof. Jimmie Lenz, Interviewers: Johnny Lai, Ray Zhu, Executive Editors: Ray Zhu, Johnny Lai, Advisor and Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Towards Incentivized Decentralization: The Future of Blockchain, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Prof. Justin Cappos, Interviewers: Prof. Luyao Zhang, Ray Zhu, Executive Editors: Xinyu Tian, Lunji Zhu, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


The Future of Consensus: Algorithm on Blockchain, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Prof. Olivier Marin, Interviewer: Ray Zhu, Executive Editors: Zichao Chen, Xinyu Tian, ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Lunji Zhu, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Name: Yinhong (William) Zhao

Title: Philanthropist Affiliate


How will DeFi Reshape the Future of Finance?, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Prof. Campbell Harvey, Interviewer: William Zhao, Executive Editors: William Zhao, Xinyu Tian, Ziliang (Lewis) Tian, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


The Current and Future of Econometrics, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Prof. Jeffrey Wooldridge, Interviewers: Prof. Luyao Zhang, William Zhao, Discussants: Zichao Chen, Yufan Zhang, Executive Editors: Xinyu Tian, Ray Zhu, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Blockchain, Law, and Economics, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Mr. Lee Reiners, Interviewers: Zhitong Chen, Yinhong (William) Zhao, Prof. Luyao Zhang, Associate Editor: Jiasheng (Ray) Zhu, Executive Editors: Xinyu Tian, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


A Glance into Liquity, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Dr. Robert Lauko, Interviewers: Xinyu Tian, William Zhao, Executive Editors: William Zhao, Xinyu Tian, Chief Editors: Prof. Luyao Zhang and Prof. Yulin Liu


Insights on consensus in the presence of synchrony, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Prof. Kartik Nayak, Interviewers: Xinyu Tian, William Zhao, Executive Editors: Zichao Chen, Xinyu Tian, ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Lunji Zhu, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Name: Ziliang (Lewis) Tian

Title: Research Affiliate; Philanthropist Affiliate


Blockchain Governance for a Sustainable Future, SciEcon-Insights-Research

Author: Lewis Tian, Design: Austen Li, Executive Editor: Xinyu Tian, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


The Future of Mobility, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Bill Russo, Interviewer: Lewis Tian, Executive Editors: Lunji Zhu, Xinyu Tian, Lewis Tian, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Prof. Yu Xiong Calls for the Internet Computer to Integrate the Spirit of Magna Carta, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Prof. Xiong Yu, Interviewers: Haoxin Yu, Lewis Tian, Executive Editors: Lewis Tian, Haoxin Yu, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Name: Zichao Chen | 陈子超

Title: Research Affiliate; Philanthropist Affiliate


NFT Marketplace: Introduction to NFT and NFT marketplace’s mechanism, SciEcon-Insights-Research

Authors: Zichao Chen, Yufan Zhang, Design: Austen Li, Executive Editors: Xinyu Tian, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


NFT Marketplace: How to Choose the Right NFT Marketplace for Artists and Collectors, SciEcon-Insights-Research

Authors: Zichao Chen, Yufan Zhang, Design: Austen Li, Executive Editors: Xinyu Tian, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


The Current and Future of Econometrics, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Prof. Jeffrey Wooldridge, Interviewers: Prof. Luyao Zhang, William Zhao, Discussants: Zichao Chen, Yufan Zhang, Executive Editors: Xinyu Tian, Ray Zhu, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Development Status and Future Trends of Emerging NFT Market, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Dr. Dustin Becker, Interviewers: Prof. Luyao Zhang, Zichao Chen, Yufan Zhang, Executive Editors: Ray Zhu, Xinyu Tian, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Name: Yufan Zhang | 张宇凡

Title: Research Affiliate; Philanthropist Affiliate


NFT Marketplace: Introduction to NFT and NFT marketplace’s mechanism, SciEcon-Insights-Research

Authors: Zichao Chen, Yufan Zhang, Design: Austen Li, Executive Editors: Xinyu Tian, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


NFT Marketplace: How to Choose the Right NFT Marketplace for Artists and Collectors, SciEcon-Insights-Research

Authors: Zichao Chen, Yufan Zhang, Design: Austen Li, Executive Editors: Xinyu Tian, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


The Current and Future of Econometrics, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Prof. Jeffrey Wooldridge, Interviewers: Prof. Luyao Zhang, William Zhao, Discussants: Zichao Chen, Yufan Zhang, Executive Editors: Xinyu Tian, Ray Zhu, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Development Status and Future Trends of Emerging NFT Market, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Dr. Dustin Becker, Interviewers: Prof. Luyao Zhang, Zichao Chen, Yufan Zhang, Executive Editors: Ray Zhu, Xinyu Tian, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Name: Yixuan Li | 黎以萱

Title: Philanthropist Affiliate


The Future of Cryptocurrency: Insights from Mr. Charles Du, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Mr. Charles Du, Interviewer: Austen Li, Executive Editors: Xinyu Tian, Lunji Zhu, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Name: Jiayi Li

Title: Research Affiliate



Indicators in the Crypto Market: the valuation of social sentiments, SciEcon-Insights-Research

Author: Jiayi Li, Design: Austen Li, Associate Editors: Zichao Chen, Lunji Zhu, Executive Editor: Xinyu Tian, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Name: Lunji Zhu

Title: Philanthropist Affiliate


The Future of Cryptocurrency: Insights from Mr. Charles Du, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Mr. Charles Du, Interviewer: Austen Li, Executive Editors: Xinyu Tian, Lunji Zhu, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


The Future of Consensus: Algorithm on Blockchain, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Prof. Olivier Marin, Interviewer: Ray Zhu, Executive Editors: Zichao Chen, Xinyu Tian, ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Lunji Zhu, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Towards Incentivized Decentralization: The Future of Blockchain, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Prof. Justin Cappos, Interviewers: Prof. Luyao Zhang, Ray Zhu, Executive Editors: Xinyu Tian, Lunji Zhu, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Insights on consensus in the presence of synchrony, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Prof. Kartik Nayak, Interviewers: Xinyu Tian, William Zhao, Executive Editors: Zichao Chen, Xinyu Tian, ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Lunji Zhu, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


WaterPark: A Decentralized Borrowing Protocol for the Internet Computer, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewees: Rhys Banerjee, Oum Lahade, Interviewers: Xinyu Tian, Zesen Zhuang, Associate Editor: Lunji Zhu, Executive Editors: Xinyu Tian, Zesen Zhuang, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


The Future of Mobility, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Bill Russo, Interviewer: Lewis Tian, Executive Editors: Lunji Zhu, Xinyu Tian, Lewis Tian, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Name: Saad Lahrichi

Title: Research Affiliate


Tech Solutions for the Crypto Market, SciEcon-Insights-Research

Author: Saad Lahrichi, Design: Austen Li, Associate Editors: Zichao Chen, Lunji Zhu, Executive Editor: Xinyu Tian, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Name: Carlos Gustavo Salas Flores

Title: Research Affiliate


Cryptocurrency Exchanges: A Guide to Smart Transactions, SciEcon-Insights-Research

Author: Carlos Gustavo Salas Flores, Design: Austen Li, Associate Editors: Zichao Chen, Lunji Zhu, Executive Editor: Xinyu Tian, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Name: Jingwei Li

Title: Innovation Affiliate


Query Bitcoin Order book from CoinMetrics API, SciEcon-Insights-Innovate

Author: Jingwei Li, Design: Austen Li, Executive Editor: Xinyu Tian, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Name: Chenyu Wang

Title: Innovation Affiliate


DeFi Token Initial Coin Offering, SciEcon-Insights-Innovate

Author: Chenyu Wang, Design: Austen Li, Executive Editor: Xinyu Tian, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Name: Jiarui Zhang

Title: Research Affiliate


Explore the sea of NFT, SciEcon-Insights-Research

Authors: Tianyu Wu, Jiarui Zhang, Design: Austen Li, Executive Editors: Xinyu Tian, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Name: Jingxi Cui

Title: Research Affiliate


Will Ethereum last long?, SciEcon-Insights-Research

Author: Jingxi Cui, Design: Austen Li, Executive Editor: Xinyu Tian, Supervisor and Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Name: Zhiyi Chen

Title: Research Affiliate


The Application of Blockchain Technology: Environmental Sustainability, Government Management, and Ethical Considerations, SciEcon-Insights-Research

Author: Zhiyi Chen, Design: Austen Li, Executive Editor: Xinyu Tian, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Name: Fei Wu

Title: Research Affiliate


Does DeFi Application Function Well in Terms of the Features of Immutability, Transparency, and Accessibility?, SciEcon-Insights-Research

Author: Fei Wu, Design: Austen Li, Executive Editor: Xinyu Tian, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Name: Francesco Cavallero

Title: Philanthropist Affiliate


Are Central Banks Digital Currencies (CBDCs) The Future of Money?, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Luciano Somoza, Interviewer: Francesco Cavallero, Executive Editors: Ray Zhu, Xinyu Tian, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Name: Zhitong Chen

Title: Philanthropist Affiliate


Blockchain, Law, and Economics, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Mr. Lee Reiners, Interviewers: Zhitong Chen, Yinhong (William) Zhao, Prof. Luyao Zhang, Associate Editor: Jiasheng (Ray) Zhu, Executive Editors: Xinyu Tian, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Name: Haoxin Yu

Title: Philanthropist Affiliate


Prof. Yu Xiong Calls for the Internet Computer to Integrate the Spirit of Magna Carta, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Prof. Xiong Yu, Interviewers: Haoxin Yu, Lewis Tian, Executive Editors: Lewis Tian, Haoxin Yu, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


SciEcon AMA Distinguished Scholar

Name: Prof. Campbell Harvey

Title: Professor of Finance at the Fuqua School of Business, Duke University and a Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research in Cambridge, Massachusetts

How will DeFi Reshape the Future of Finance?, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Prof. Campbell Harvey, Interviewer: William Zhao, Executive Editors: William Zhao, Xinyu Tian, Ziliang (Lewis) Tian, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


DeFi and the Future of Finance, Economics Principles Guest Lecture

Guest Speaker: Prof. Campbell Harvey, Host: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Name: Prof. Jimmie Lenz

Title: Director of the Master of Engineering in FinTech in the Pratt School of Engineering at Duke University

DeFi: Reinventing Finance and Expanding the Possibilities, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Prof. Jimmie Lenz, Interviewers: Johnny Lai, Ray Zhu, Executive Editors: Ray Zhu, Johnny Lai, Advisor and Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Fintech and Cybersecurity, Intelligent Economics: An Explainable AI Approach Guest Lecture

Guest Speaker: Prof. Jimmie Lenz, Host: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Name: Prof. Jeffrey Wooldridge

Title: University Distinguished Professor of Economics at Michigan State University

The Current and Future of Econometrics, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Prof. Jeffrey Wooldridge, Interviewers: Prof. Luyao Zhang, William Zhao, Discussants: Zichao Chen, Yufan Zhang, Executive Editors: Xinyu Tian, Ray Zhu, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Economic Principle for Econometrics, Economics Principles Guest Lecture

Guest Speaker: Prof. Jeffrey Wooldridge, Host: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Name: Prof. Fei-Yue Wang

Title: State special appointed expert and Director of the State Key Laboratory for Management and Control of Complex Systems, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Director of China Economics and Social Security Research Center in University of Chinese Academy of Science; President of Qingdao Academy of Intelligent Industries

Parallel Economics: From Artificial Intelligence to Intelligent and Smart Economy, Intelligent Economics: An Explainable AI Approach Guest Lecture

Guest Speaker: Prof. Fei-Yue Wang, Host: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Name: Dr. Robert Lauko

Title: Founder of Liquity. Ph.D

A Glance into Liquity, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Dr. Robert Lauko, Interviewers: Xinyu Tian, William Zhao, Executive Editors: William Zhao, Xinyu Tian, Chief Editors: Prof. Luyao Zhang and Prof. Yulin Liu


Monetary Policy on Blockchain: Connect Macroeconomics to the Real World, Cloud Field Trip at Intermediate Macroeconomics Lecture Series

Co-hosts: Liquity CEO Robert Lauko, Prof. Luyao Zhang, Special Guest: Prof. Yulin Liu


Name: Prof. Vincent Conitzer

Title: Kimberly J. Jenkins Distinguished University Professor of New Technologies, Professor of Computer Science, Professor of Economics, and Professor of Philosophy at Duke University

Computer Science Meets Economics, Computational Microeconomics Guest Lecture

Guest Speaker: Prof Vincent Conitzer, Host: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Name: Prof. Gary Charness

Title: Professor of Economics and the Director of the Experimental and Behavioral Economics Laboratory in the Department of Economics at the University of California, Santa Barbara

The Legend of Economist and the methodology of Economics, Economics Principles Guest Lecture

Guest Speaker: Prof Gary Charness, Host: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Name: Prof. Fan Zhang

Title: Assistant Professor in Computer Science at Duke University

On the Mechanics of Blockchain Security, An AMA Interview for Prof. Fan Zhang about how recent advances in privacy and security technology empowers DeFi Applications on blockchain, SciEcon-Insight-AMA

Interviewee: Prof. Fan Zhang, Interviewer: Prof. Luyao Zhang, Xinyu Tian, Zesen Zhuang, Advisor and Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Decentralized Finance: Cryptocurrency and Blockchain on the Internet Computer, Duke CS+ Symposium Panelist

Panelists: Prof Fan Zhang, Prof Kartik Nayak, Prof Yulin Liu, Prof Luyao Zhang


Name: Prof. Kartik Nayak

Title: Assistant Professor in the Computer Science department at Duke University

Insights on consensus in the presence of synchrony, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Prof. Kartik Nayak, Interviewers: Xinyu Tian, William Zhao, Executive Editors: Zichao Chen, Xinyu Tian, ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Lunji Zhu, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Decentralized Finance: Cryptocurrency and Blockchain on the Internet Computer, Duke CS+ Symposium Panelist

Panelists: Prof Fan Zhang, Prof Kartik Nayak, Prof Yulin Liu, Prof Luyao Zhang


Name: Dr. Dustin Becker

Title: Research Scientist at Bochsler Finance

Development Status and Future Trends of Emerging NFT Market, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Dr. Dustin Becker, Interviewers: Prof. Luyao Zhang, Zichao Chen, Yufan Zhang, Executive Editors: Ray Zhu, Xinyu Tian, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


The promise and perils of NFT marketplaces, SciEcon NFT Symposium Panelist

Panelists: Dr. Dustin Becker, Dr Diana Gamborino, Prof Luyao Zhang, Prof Yulin Liu, Lewis Tian, Jiayi Li


Name: Dr. Diana Gamborino

Title: Bochsler Finance Solutions Scientific Researcher

How to Realize Options Trading in Decentralized Finance, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Dr. Diana Gamborino, Interviewer: Tianyu Wu, Associate Editor: Zichao Chen, Executive Editors: Tianyu Wu, Xinyu Tian, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


The promise and perils of NFT marketplaces, SciEcon NFT Symposium Panelist

Panelists: Dr. Dustin Becker, Dr Diana Gamborino, Prof Luyao Zhang, Prof Yulin Liu, Lewis Tian, Jiayi Li


Name: Prof. Kevin Mo

Title: Director of Blockchain and Privacy-Preserving Computation Center, Beijing Big Data Research Institute

A Conversation on Cryptography, Trust Machine, and Cyber Planet Construction, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Prof. Kevin Mo, Interviewers: Tianyu Wu, Xinyu Tian, Prof. Luyao Zhang, Executive Editors: Tianyu Wu, Xinyu Tian, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Name: Prof. Ye Li

Title: Assistant Professor of Finance at the Ohio State University

Tokeneconomics: When Macro and Micro Economics Unite in Finance, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Prof. Ye Li, Interviewers: Xinyu Tian, Zesen Zhuang, Executive Editors: Xinyu Tian, Zesen Zhuang, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Name: Prof. Yu Xiong

Title: Chair of Business Analytics; Associate Dean International; Director of Surrey Center for Innovation and Commercialization (SCIC)

Prof. Yu Xiong Calls for the Internet Computer to Integrate the Spirit of Magna Carta, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Prof. Xiong Yu, Interviewers: Haoxin Yu, Lewis Tian, Executive Editors: Lewis Tian, Haoxin Yu, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Name: Mr. Charles Du

Title: CEO and Founder at Meldd Consensus

The Future of Cryptocurrency: Insights from Mr. Charles Du, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Mr. Charles Du, Interviewer: Austen Li, Executive Editors: Xinyu Tian, Lunji Zhu, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Name: Prof. Justin Cappos

Title: Associate Professor of Computer Science at New York University

Towards Incentivized Decentralization: The Future of Blockchain, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Prof. Justin Cappos, Interviewers: Prof. Luyao Zhang, Ray Zhu, Executive Editors: Xinyu Tian, Lunji Zhu, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Name: Mr. Bill Russo

Title: Founder and CEO of Automobility Ltd.

The Future of Mobility, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Bill Russo, Interviewer: Lewis Tian, Executive Editors: Lunji Zhu, Xinyu Tian, Lewis Tian, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Name: Prof. Olivier Marin

Title: Professor of Practice in Computer Science at NYU Shanghai

The Future of Consensus: Algorithm on Blockchain, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Prof. Olivier Marin, Interviewer: Ray Zhu, Executive Editors: Zichao Chen, Xinyu Tian, ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Lunji Zhu, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


Name: Mr. Lee Reiners

Title: Executive Director of Duke Global Financial Markets Center

Blockchain, Law, and Economics, SciEcon-Insights-AMA

Interviewee: Mr. Lee Reiners, Interviewers: Zhitong Chen, Yinhong (William) Zhao, Prof. Luyao Zhang, Associate Editor: Jiasheng (Ray) Zhu, Executive Editors: Xinyu Tian, Chief Editor: Prof. Luyao Zhang


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